Sunday, June 15, 2014

More with Unity; Animation in Blender

I've been looking at tutorials and more Unity content on the web, and that brought me back around to Blender.  I've tried this tool in the past, and while it looks amazing, I've never really gotten into it.  Going backing to browsing Unity material, I found a neat tutorial demonstrating the character model creation, skinning, and animating process.  It was pretty fun!  Took me several days to work it through, but I ended up with something I'm giddily proud of!  I should note that the author was pretty quick to answer some questions of mine, as well.  I was surprised at how recently this tutorial series was put out as compared to when I was looking for it.

UV map and textured character model.

The model was made in Blender, and then a map of the geometry was created.  I used GIMP to 'colour' in the map the way I wanted the skin to look, and then loaded that image back into Blender to apply to my model.

There are other steps including making and rigging a skeletal system which aren't shown, but I have included two images of the final piece, as well as a download link for the 'game' demonstrating the animation!

On the ground about to jump.

In the air having a blast!

As like the previous Unity post, if you download and run the program, use alt+F4 to quit!  Or use the x if running in Windowed mode. ( 8mb )

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